Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Preliminary Artifact Analysis

For this project I chose to reach out to a woman who works at a regional office of state’s Every Woman Counts program, which provides free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services and public education to low income and uninsured woman age 40+ through a network of local community and public clinics. I am very interested in public health and how different demographics get educated in regards to different issues, so I felt like this woman was the perfect candidate for me to interview.


Alright now to dissecting her written artifacts… First off the genre of the documents that I received was primarily educational, friendly, and created a sense of community. The artifacts that I was given are mostly flyers or informative handouts to give to people. The documents are educational because there are many different facts embedded in the text about breast and cervical cancer in regards to how to prevent, how to treat, and how to qualify under the Every Woman Counts program. The flyers display the educational information if a very clear and concise way that allows for the reader to easily comprehend the information displayed. Because of the friendly style that these artifacts display, it could draw the attention of the target audience and create a sense of understanding and demonstration of willing and wanting to help. Friendly is important when trying to reach out to a specific group, if the flyers were try and full of boring texts it is probable that not as many people would choose to read it. The flyers are friendly because there are many pictures of happy women naturally smiling in a group of women who in a sense shows that they “support each other”. When a women is choosing to get educated about something that they are unfamiliar with, it is important for them to feel like they are being supported and part of a family or a specific group that is welcoming. Because friendly vibe that the documents project it can also create a sense of community, demonstrating to the people being educated that they are not alone and are being supported.

Writing conventions, these include spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar that help make the documents clear and understandable. The reader should be able to finish the reading without having to stop to try to figure out what is being intended to be read. The artifacts that I received had no spelling errors, meaning that they probably had numerous people proof read and edit this document. The punctuation is clear, there are not any texts that I feel like ran together or is unclear. The text is spaced out so it can clearly be read in the order that it was intended to be read and there are paragraph brakes to show that it is a different thought. In regards to capitalization the beginning of each sentence is capitalized as well as the title of each document. The grammar, the whole system and structure of the documents are very clear. There are not any words that are imbedded in the text that should not be there and the reader isn’t left trying to piece together what the document is intended to say.

The audience of this document is clearly intended for women over 40 who are in need of education in regards to breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services. There are only older (40-70 year old) women displayed on the brochures. This shows that they have a target audience that they are marketing towards and trying to reach out to. I was only given the documents written in English but because we live in a community where a vast majority of the unemployed women over 40 are Hispanic they also have the same documents translated into Spanish. So on the brochures they are targeting their audience to be multicultural and once again creating a sense of community. The color scheme I believe also plays into who the audience is intended to be. Two of the documents I was giver were a soft purple and light green, these colors represent to me a sense of understanding, calm, and collected.

The purpose of the documents, are to educate women and to show that health is affordable. There are many women who need to be educated on this topic and it is the Every Woman Counts program’s job to reach out and inform the community. The purposes of these documents are to also hook the reader and to make the reader want to learn more about the program. They are supposed to be educational and lure the reader in so that they can gain the benefits from the program.

The tone of these artifacts I believe to be simple, clear, and friendly. Friendly I think is the biggest underlying tone because once again the document wants to draw the reader in and create a sense of community. The artifacts also are educational which I believe to be a tone. Since the artifacts are meant to be educational and create a sense of community the author of these documents has a hard job to create a piece of informative literature that creates a feeling for the reader to relate to.

The style of these artifacts is simple, informative, and clear. Many people who are being given these documents are not educated in regards to what the Every Woman Counts program has to offer, so the program needs to create a style of understanding, community, education, and easily understood. The style of the writing means a lot to the reader, if the text is dry (which this one is not), than the reader will probably choose to put the flyer down after reading the first line or two. The style needs to draw the reader in and make them want to keep reading, which is why I think the artifacts I was given are very well put together. They are easily able to be read and understood but at the same time very informative.

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