Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Potential Interview Questions:

1.         Where do you get the information to support the claims on your brochures?

2.         Who created your logo?

3.         Do you change the format of your texts based on who you are talk/connect with? I.e. co-worker, boss, or clients you are reaching out to?

4.         Who is your primary audience that you want to speak to?

5.         What do you want your viewers to connect with most in your flyers/brochures?

6.         Do you feel like the language is easily comprehendible to a person who is not well versed in this topic?

7.         What is the goal/message of the flyers and brochures you handout?

8.         Do you feel like there is ever too much information on one page for your clients to grasp? Do you think they skim over it and not fully comprehend all of the information?

9.         What do you think is symbolic in regards to your program name “every woman counts”?

10.      Do you feel like the writing style of your webpage draws clients in?

11.   Do you change your writing style depending on who you are reaching out to?

12.   Do you have any advice for a writing student?

13.   How do you feel your program demonstrates though its writing style that it is credible?

14. Do you feel like your own personal writing style ever shines through in your writing?

So many questions.....

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